On this page you’ll find a list of most recommended Japanese textbooks and other resources to help you learn Japanese.
Current Edition: 3rd Edition
The Genki series is one of the most popular textbooks when it comes to learning Japanese. The 3rd Edition is the most recent revision, and is highly regarded.
The book is divided in to 12 chapters - each with a different theme and set of lessons. It covers reading, speaking, listening, and writing.
This book is perfect for self-study Japanese, or to supplement your current Japanese language studies.
The complete Genki I set includes:
A complete reference for all major Japanese grammar structures. Contains lots of examples, and goes in to lots of detail to point out the differences between similar grammar structures as well!
Minna no Nihongo is another widely popular textbook series - recommended for both general Japanese language and JLPT study.
This series is divided in to 4 parts:
Shokyu 1 is aimed at beginners who have studied less than 100 hours total. Hiragana and katakana is recommended before starting.
Shokyu 2 is aimed at beginners who have finished Shokyu 1, or studied 100-150 hours total.
Chukyu 1 is aimed at learners who have finished Shokyu 2, or are aiming to take the JLPT N3 examination.
Chukyu 2 is aimed at learners who have finished Chukyu 1, or are aiming to take the JLPT N2 examination.